A Shared Passion

Basketball has always been a huge part of me. My journey with the game began when I was just 9 years old. Growing up right across from the basketball gym, a common setup in our province, I picked up the sport quickly. It became our favorite pastime. I vividly recall the year I turned 10, when our community teams played every championship game until I was 12, and we emerged victorious each time. Throughout school, I participated in every sports fest and intramural event, and even after graduation, my passion for basketball never waned. On the court, I was competitive, often pushing myself to the point of risking my safety. 

Fast forward to today, I no longer play for competition. Instead, I play for personal fitness and wellness, to maintain good health. 

Basketball is a shared love with my 12-year-old son, who started training in basketball camps at the age of 8. I constantly pray that he will excel in this beloved sport. I always tell him that what will set him apart is his competitiveness, his unwillingness to lose, and his refusal to give up. While winning every game is unrealistic, it is this resilient character that will secure him victories in critical moments. 

Below are some photos from the last tournaments I participated in. The first one captures a championship game in our community, which we won despite trailing the entire game. The second photo is from our alumni basketball league, where we secured third place. The last two photos feature my son’s recent games. 


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